“Revival Comes Through Israel”
Uploaded March 27th, 2024 by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, talk-show host.
In this video, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and guest Anthony Robert support the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and rationalize Israel’s genocide of Gaza (“it’s only war!” cries Laura Lynn).
في هذا الفيديو، تدعم لورا لين تومسون وضيفها أنتوني روبرت التطهير العرقي للشعب الفلسطيني وتبرر الإبادة الجماعية التي ترتكبها إسرائيل في غزة (“إنها الحرب فقط!” تصرخ لورا لين).
The video above is a concrete example of the effects of one of the most dangerous pseudo-Christian movements on the planet. This is talk-show host Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. She has dual American and Canadian nationality, lives in Vancouver and runs an Internet program she calls “The Last Days”. I guess she got the name from a Spielberg film.
الفيديو أعلاه هو مثال ملموس على آثار واحدة من أخطر الحركات المسيحية الزائفة على هذا الكوكب. هذه مقدمة البرامج الحوارية لورا لين تايلر تومسون. وهي تحمل الجنسيتين الأمريكية والكندية، وتعيش في فانكوفر وتدير برنامجًا على الإنترنت تسميه “الأيام الأخيرة”. أعتقد أنها حصلت على الاسم من فيلم سبيلبرغ.
Laura Lynn’s interview with Robert Anthony is a perfect example of the insanely powerful fringe running the United States that brought Trump to the White House; Trump is funding the illegal settlement movement in Palestine with his son-in-law Kushner, and has awarded Jerusalem to Israel, ignoring international law.
إن مقابلة لورا لين مع روبرت أنتوني خير مثال على الهامش القوي المجنون الذي يدير الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، والذي أوصل ترامب إلى البيت الأبيض؛ فترامب يمول حركة الاستيطان غير الشرعية في فلسطين مع صهره كوشنر، ومنح القدس لإسرائيل، متجاهلاً القانون الدولي.

Greater Israel as in Genesis
Israeli flag represents map of Greater Israel says YouTuber (1-2 April 2024)
علم إسرائيل يمثل خريطة إسرائيل الكبرى كما يقول اليوتيوبر (1-2 أبريل 2024)

Zaid Al-Hindawl replied: “The map of ‘Greater Israel’ is from the Nile to the Euphrates. Hence, the two blue lines on the Israeli flag. That would include Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq. Good luck with that.”
أجاب زيد الهندول: “خريطة “إسرائيل الكبرى” هي من النيل إلى الفرات. ومن هنا، الخطان الأزرقان على العلم الإسرائيلي. ويشمل ذلك مصر وسوريا والأردن والعراق. حظاً موفقاً في ذلك.”

Greater Israel as in Genesis

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson holds up a shofar she purchased in Israel a few years ago, during a speaking tour in Moose Jaw on July 5. Photo by Jason G. Antonio
لورا-لين تايلر تومسون تحمل شوفارًا اشترته في إسرائيل قبل بضع سنوات، خلال جولة خطابية في موس جاو في 5 يوليو. تصوير جيسون ج. أنطونيو
Laura-Lynn claims to be fighting the “evil globalists“, but supports Israel. She clearly doesn’t know what globalism is.
تدعي لورا-لين أنها تحارب “العولمة الشريرة” ولكنها تدعم إسرائيل.
What you’re looking at above with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is Christian Zionism. Below is the official trailer of a movie called “PRAYING FOR ARMAGEDDON”. This film documents Christian Zionism, and you need to know about it.
Official Trailer: Praying For Armageddon
The full movie came out in 2024, it’s an hour and 54 minutes. You can rent it on youtube.
Must see: Brilliant video projects Israel’s future expansion.

Canadian Christian Zionism: A Tangled Tale by Ron Dart
What you see above, with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, is Christian Zionism. Further below that is the official trailer for a film called “PRAYING FOR ARMAGEDDON“. This film documents Christian Zionism and you need to know about it.
On the left is a little book by Ron Dart on Canadian Christian Zionism, which I must recommend, because it’s all there is that’s available about the Canadian scene.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a Christian Zionist. This becomes important not only for his foreign policy on the Middle East, on Palestine, on Israel, but also for what he did in Canada on behalf of the Zionist Jews whom Christian Zionists treat as gods. Notably, in October 2013, Prime Minister Harper, on behalf of the federal government, intervened in a case at the Montreal courthouse (Henderson v. Attorney General of Quebec, 18 April 2018 QCCS 1586 (CanLII)). The file was ostensibly a legal proceeding brought for plaintiff Keith Henderson, a client of Zionist Jew and “constitutional lawyer”, Stephen Allan Scott, the mastermind behind a phony Canadian unity movement in fact designed to break up the country to replace it with the European system.
The Henderson file was instituted largely to conceal and patch up the facts, because the far-left Parti Québécois (created by Lester Pearson’s federal government in collusion with Power Corporation of Canada in 1967) had done something to appease its radical militant wing. The PQ passed a unilateral declaration of the independent state of Quebec as “law” on Quebec’s statute books. This had to be hidden, because if French Canadians believed that Quebec had already “seceded”, the federal level could lose control of the fake “secession” movement it created and whose real objective is to trap the “rest of Canada” into negotiating its own dismantling.
Another major part of this collusive lawsuit was designed to rubber-stamp and enforce the August 20, 1998 Supreme Court of Canada Quebec “secession” opinion, a blatant fraud designed to break up the country by force in order to restructure it using EEC and EU accession treaties to form a new regional union, to be placed under the planned Zionist world government.
Then Harper pulled a fast one with the help of Zionist and Communist lawyer Rocco Galati, a former federal employee who helped Harper set up the fraudulent “Nadon” case. The purpose of this fraud was to allow the Supreme Court of Canada, in another reference like the 1998 “secession” reference, to make statements to protect the reference jurisdiction from challenge, because it is void and always has been, as Hansard of 1875 makes clear. The need to protect these advisory opinions from challenge is due to the fact that our federal governments have been using advisories for decades to manufacture counterfeit “laws”, by claiming that Supreme Court opinions declare the “law” and must be complied with.
The Clarity Act is a perfect example of how the federal government exploits advisories to create bogus “laws”. Every word and provision of this fraudulent federal “law” echoes some pronouncement made in the 1998 Quebec “secession” advisory. The questions and answers are rigged in advance with the judges to create a backdrop for the “law” the federal government wants to pass.
Advisory opinions were used to illegally impose the 1982 constitution under Communist Pierre Trudeau, and to regurgitate doctored answers to the 1998 “secession” questions posed by the federal government to the Supreme Court Advisory Bench.
Canada has been radically changed by these fraudulent advisories, with the 1998 advisory imposing dismantling on the country in the event of a “yes” vote in another Quebec referendum. The truth is that the 1867 Constitution forbids the dismantling of the country. The new “Canadian” region to be formed by “negotiation” after Quebec “secession” will be merged with the EU in a transoceanic handshake; and politically merged north-to-south with the USA and Mexico to complete the North American Union, with the whole region modeled on the EU
When you see Alberta trying to “secede” to form a European-style union out of Canada, it’s the same Zionist project. Zionists like Ezra Levant, who advised Preston Manning’s and Stephen Harper’s Reform Party (devoted to restructuring Canada by “negotiating” with Quebec), are pushing for the breakup of Canada using Alberta and the West. Zionist Jordan Peterson is backing Alberta premier Danielle Smith in her aim to convert Canada to the European system, while also merging the west with northern American states.
That’s why it’s important to know that Stephen Harper was a Zionist, serving his “chosen people”, not the Canadian people. The North American Union would look a lot like the one on the Gomberg map: a federated continental union with no Canada, in turn federated with other continental regions and placed under a world government headquartered in Jerusalem in Israel.
You can get the Dart book second-hand. Bookfinder.com will locate copies available. However, go to the book dealer’s web sites to double-check the price as the dealer may have even cheaper copies available.
You can read Chapter 1 at this web site.