‘North American Union’ Appears
On a 1941 Communist World Planning Map

1941 Communist planning map for a ‘New World Order’ contains no Canada.. North American Union – Anticipated in 1941.
A World Without Canada
Instead, the “United States of America” (in name, only) stretches from Central America
to Greenland in an expanded and long-planned “North American Union”
including the federated State of Quebec, the State of “Columbia”
(not “British” Columbia), the State of Alberta, the State of Manitoba, the State of Ontario,
the State of Labrador, the State of MacKenzie Keewatin, the State of Yukon …
and individual States of the former Maritime Provinces.
View searchable map text (with scans & annotations) on the Map’s (Content Page). Of special importance, see ‘Hebrewland’, paragraph 26; and “United States of Europe”, paragraph 18.
In October of 1941, before Pearl Harbor, immigrant watch-maker Maurice Gomberg completed a communist world map of future regional unions, including a continental North American Union. The name Canada is not on that map. However, the former provinces are depicted as states, re-federated into a vast ‘United States of America’ stretching to Greenland.

Excerpt from Maurice Gomberg’s Post-War New World Map.
Click on the extract to visit the Map’s Content page.
Maurice Gomberg sympathised with the Communist Party of America. Interestingly, Canada’s recent former leader of the Communist Bloc Québécois, Gilles Duceppe, is an allegedly ‘former’ Marxist-Leninist Maoist communist. In April of 2010, Duceppe toured Canada urging ALL the provinces to ‘secede’ and become ‘independent’ States.
Then, on 30 April 2011, when interviewed on camera by an independent Quebec journalist in Trois-Rivières, Éric Granger, Duceppe admitted that what he really wants is ‘a good treaty like they have in Europe’ and a ‘sovereign’ Quebec inside a ‘North American Union’.
“A good treaty, like they have in Europe.” That’s exactly what the Bloc’s provincial counterpart, the Parti Quebecois, has always been doing. And that’s not all they’ve been doing. In 1978, two years after seizing power in Quebec, the Parti Quebecois published, “L’Option Europe: Analyse de la plausibilité d’une association Québec/ Canada/ Europe“.
However, in 1972, the Parti Québécois published its true party program to appease its “militant” members of the “far left”; “Quand nous serons vraiment chez nous“, a plan for a communist state of Quebec on the old Yugoslav model. René Lévesque was an advocate of world government, he called it world federalism. In circa 1982, Lévesque obtained observer status for the PQ at the Socialist International, an international grouping of left-wing and communist parties. The two main planks of the SI were/are a socialist world government and “industrial democracy”, communism on the old Yugoslav model.

Translation from the Preface: This document was prepared at the request of the Ministère des affaires intergouvernementales du Québec. Its main objective is to examine the feasibility and modalities of a possible “association” involving Quebec, English-speaking Canada and the European Economic Community, which can be briefly referred to as “Option Europe”. The “Association” could take one of four forms: 1) free trade area; 2) customs union; 3) common market; 4) economic union (See details, chapter 2).
If you will read the caption under the cover above, those are all steps toward political union, start wherever you please. But the game is to dismantle Canada (to destroy the Constitution) and replace it with an EEC-EU-style regional union, and then to merge that with the European Union in a trans-ocean region. The various “free trade” agreements between Canada and the USA, and then with Mexico are all merger agreements producing the North American Union.
So what we are looking at is the dismantling of Canada, using Quebec to get the ball rolling on the pretext of “sovereignty”; the creation of a regional union (eventually to comprise the USA and Mexico); and a trans-ocean merger of that region with the European region.
Keep in mind. The Parti Québécois and the Bloc Québécois are twins. The Bloc was formed at the federal level to help Quebec break up the country. In another video in French, Duceppe has implied that the whole western hemisphere will be a Union.
Duceppe: La souveraineté pour fonctionner ensemble au sein des Amériques
Duceppe: Sovereignty to function together in the Americas
Spread the news!
The ‘federal’ Bloc Québécois wants a North American Union … in other words, Communist regionalism, as on the Gomberg Map.
And so does the ‘provincial’ Parti Québécois, which the Bloc claims to ‘represent’ in Ottawa.
So does Québec Solidaire (overtly Communist); so does the NDP, who are closet Marxists advocating an end to private property. The NDP has always been a full member of the Socialist International (SI) whose mandate is … a socialist, one-world government. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a member of the NDP before he ‘became’ a federal Liberal under Soviet agent Lester Bowles Pearson.
That’s the real reason why Nycole Tourmel (interim NDP leader after the sudden death of Jack Layton) had no difficulty belonging simultaneously to the radical communist Québec Solidaire and the Bloc before moving to the NDP. They are ALL on the same side; they just play musical chairs!
Quebec has not really been trying to become ‘sovereign’ for keeps. Sovereignty is merely needed as a transitional stage. International personality is required to sign the ‘treaties’ which are intended to rope the ‘rest of Canada’ into the Communist regional union.
The referendums were set up and are being used by the federal government to create an excuse for the FED to ‘negotiate’ the North American regional union planned by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (the front of the international bankers), for more than a Century!
Visit CANADA How The Communists Took Control to read more on the Quebec ‘secession’ scam, which in fact is a plan to use Quebec to overthrow the Parliament and Legislatures of Canada for the European system, basis of Communist regions under a Communist world government.