On its own sublime authority, at its entry entitled “Outline of the Post-War New World Map,” Wikipedia has declared that Maurice
“Gomberg created the map as a personal project, and little else is known of him.”
Let’s start with that statement. How logical is it? Can it be supported with facts? How does Wikipedia know why Maurice Gomberg created his map? How does Wikipedia know that only Maurice Gomberg himself was involved in creating the map as a “personal” project? Did Wikipedia speak to Mr. Gomberg to find out what was on his mind at the time he made the Map? Did Wikipedia ask Mr. Gomberg whose input is represented in the map? And yet, Wikipedia has concluded — who knows how — that the map was merely a “personal project” of Maurice Gomberg. That conclusion is presumed mind-reading of a dead man as to the presumed nature and purpose of his map.

Far and Wide by Douglas Reed, 1951
In fact, Douglas Reed, a well known author and journalist in his day, reports on Gomberg and his map in two books, one published in 1951, the other in 1967. Reed knew and states first of all that Gomberg’s real first name was Moritz, Maurice being the Americanized version. (A 1944 issue of The Constitutionalist also knew about Gomberg and his Map, and confirms that his real given name was Moritz.)
Reed also points out that Gomberg was the leader of a “Group for a New World Order” and that the map represents the designs of that group. Said Reed in Far and Wide (1951):
“What real purpose did Mr. Roosevelt promote through the way he used his imperial powers? He furthered the main principles of a plan for the redistribution of the earth published in 1942 (but clearly prepared much earlier) by a mysterious ‘Group for a New World Order‘, headed by a Mr. Moritz Gomberg. What this group proposed was startling at the time but proved farsighted. The main recommendations were that the Communist Empire should be extended from the Pacific to the Rhine, with China, Korea, Indo-China, Siam and Malaya in its orbit; and that a Hebrew State should be set up on the soil of ‘Palestine, Transjordan and the adjoining territories’. These two projects were largely realized. [….]”
So that is quite significant. Mr. Gomberg was linked to other people with whom he jointly promoted his Map agenda, and we don’t yet know who they were, and more importantly who else they were linked to. We would like to know who financed Gomberg and his ‘Group for a New World Order’, who were the members of his Group, and who planned the map that bears Maurice Gomberg’s name as its author.
In light of these few facts, known to a London Times journalist in 1951, and to others, how can Wikipedia possibly declare that Gomberg’s map was a mere “personal project,” to dismiss the notions of people who may well be better informed than Wikipedia, but whom Wikipedia (a supposed “encyclopedia,” but apparently really just a bunch of personal blog posts) denigrates as so-called “conspiracy theorists”.
It’s as if the vast majority of history, including wars, and the overthrow of empires, and bank robberies, and dishonest and criminal activities, have not been carried out by people wielding their influence behind the scenes to get things done their way, contrary to the will of other people. Which is the essence of “conspiracy”.
One good example of a real “conspiracy” was the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, but let’s ignore that! But, how about the American States, which all have criminal codes in which the very real notion of “conspiracy” is treated as a crime in certain situations, i.e., where the conspiracy involves a plan to do something unconstitutional, seditious or illegal. The criminal codes of the States don’t dismiss conspiracy as a “conspiracy theory”, but the high-brows at Wikipedia dismiss it. Perhaps the high-brows at Wikipedia would dismiss the Criminal Codes as well.
Moreover, Wikipedia’s copy of the ad used by Maurice Gomberg to sell his map by mail order in Survey Graphic is clipped from the original page of the magazine, depriving the ad of all context.
Go back and have a close look at the issue in which the ad was placed. Have a close look at the contents of Survey Graphic, which is a pro-Communist propaganda rag subsidized by the self-appointed elites, through ads, i.e. for their books and their public utilities. W. Cleon Skousen called these people “the radical rich”, who promoted socialism, as opposed to the “capitalism” that made them rich.
“Pro-Communist propaganda rag” is my term for it, you may come up with another.
Survey Graphic had offices in Philadelphia, where Gomberg lived or had his mail-drop for selling his map by mail-order. Perhaps Mr. Gomberg or people involved in his Group for a New World Order, had links to this magazine … research would be needed; and in the absence of research, given the real and known existence of the Group for a New World Order, how can Wikipedia discount the map as a picture of the intended future structure of the planet? A structure currently unfolding as euphemistic “trade blocs” on every continent, and including the creation in 1948 of Maurice Gomberg’s Hebrewland as Israel.
How can Wikipedia dismiss the Map as merely Mr. Gomberg’s “personal” project, the effort of a man with time on his hands and nothing better to do with himself than draft imaginary maps of a future stage of the world on the way to a Communist one-world government.
It is very important that Douglas Reed points out the map seems to reflect the second stage in a grand design.
Writing in Far and Wide in 1951, and speaking of the Gomberg Map, Douglas Reed said:
“The scheme [of Gomberg’s map] looks like a blueprint of the second stage in a grand operation of three stages, and substantial parts of it were achieved; what was not then accomplished is being energetically attempted now.”
In fact, noted Soviet diplomat, international law scholar and adviser to both Khrushchev and Gorbachev, Professor Grigoriĭ Ivanovich Tunkin, in his chapter, “Marxism and the Problem of a World State”, in his book Theory of International Law (Harvard University Press, 1974. ISBN 0-674-88001-3), has pointed out the Communist design for world government must pass through an intermediary stage of unions or associations of groups of nations. Just as depicted on the Gomberg map! And jJust as Douglas Reed observed in 1951.
As is happening right now, in reality. Said Tunkin (in the official English translation):
“Each state [nation on Earth] represents both a political and an economic unit. With the various historical strata of contradictions between states and between nationalities are associated a number of economic, political, cultural, and other problems.” — p. 374
“Within the framework of the world socialist system, however, these differences and contradictions gradually are being overcome on the basis of a new socialist social structure and Marxist-Leninist ideology. Various forms of state unions of socialist states are possible on the path to a classless, stateless communist society.”– p. 374
We do know from Professor Aleksander Gella, who in 1985 interviewed former associates of Maurice Gomberg for his Polish-language journal published in London, that Maurice Gomberg sympathised with the Communist Party of the USA. Gella published an article on the “Mapa Gomberga” in Polish, mentioning those interviews.
The Gomberg Map, as Douglas Reed’s view of stage two of a grand design, must therefore represent Tunkin’s “[v]arious forms of state unions of socialist states” … “on the path to a classless, stateless communist society.” The very one planned on Maurice Gomberg’s map completed in 1941 and published in 1942, on file at the United States Library of Congress.
In that sentence we can see stage three, a step beyond the Gomberg Map; a “stateless” (nationless) world that would indeed — according to my research in documents of Quebec communists, whose plans are currently underway to eliminate the Quebec Legislature and devolve its powers into multicultural international city-states — be a planetary array of multicultural cities in which ethnicity (the root principle of national sovereignty) is (of necessity?) subordinated to other factors.
I am not jumping to conclusions here. I’ve posted elsewhere in Wikipedia concerning the active plan drafted by Quebec City lawyer Guy Bertrand, called the “Liberty-Nation Project,” to use the Montreal and Quebec megacities (formed in year 2000 by the Communist Parti Quebecois in de facto power) to force the Quebec Legislature to issue a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI). The purpose of the UDI is to steal the legislative and governmental powers out of the federal Parliament of Canada in Ottawa, and redistribute them together with provincial powers in a new international structure to consist in part of multicultural international socialist, planned city-states.
These city-states are currently multicultural, and they have been called “hubs of diversity” by self-styled “former” Soviet-Marxist Professor Ricardo Duchesne at his blog, “Council of European Canadians”.
In the current case of Quebec (and Canada at large), our unconstitutional immigration “policy” the past 5 decades has been to mass-dump some 200+ foreign ethnic groups onto the soil of Confederation which legally belongs to the Founding Peoples of each of the Provinces, the first four of which originate in 1867. Canada is legally an ethnic federation; the Provinces belong to the founding majorities for their purpose of their own self-government. Immigration inconsistent with that object is unconstitutional and thus illegal.
This mass-dumping in fact serves to harmonize Canada with the USSR as restructured by the decree of Lenin and Stalin eight days after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (on 15th November), ordering that all minority ethnicities in Russia (allegedly, there were some 189 of them) were to have equal status with the primary majority Russian ethnicities (who thus lost their own self-government).
These national minorities were assigned Republics by Lenin and Stalin, where they were sufficient in numbers; while lesser minorities were made into autonomous subdivisions within the Republics.
Canada has the world’s highest rate of mass immigration; it is mostly aimed at the major metropolitan centers. If the megacities of Montreal and Quebec City force the Quebec provincial legislature to declare UDI, and if these megacities then, by devolution or redistribution of powers, acquire a share of these legislative powers and fiscal resources, and attain international personality as “city states”, they may well be subsequently subdivided or partitioned into ethnic enclaves along the Soviet model decreed in 1917 by two of history’s greatest butchers, Lenin and Stalin.
The butchers replied to resistance against socialism and the redistribution of other people’s well earned wealth with mass murders in the tens of millions. The Holodomor is one example: “Stalin’s Jew” (taken from the title of an article by Israeli journalist Sever Plocker) Gingrich Yagoda, personally supervised the mass extermination of ten million ethnic Ukrainians who refused to submit to the Bolsheviks.
In certain documentary video footage online, we are also advised that three million ethnic Ukrainians were shot to death; the other seven million were starved to death by confiscating their crops, their farming equipment, shooting their livestock, and blockading the roads into and out of their villages.
The same documentary video shows film footage of the Soviet “body collectors” arriving at Ukrainian peasants’ homes to haul the starved bodies away, both the dead and those still living but presumed to be the equivalent of dead.
However, for Wikipedia, Professor Grigoriĭ Ivanovich Tunkin is perhaps just another “conspiracy theorist” whiling his time away amusing himself with such a concept of world socialist unions on the way to a classless world state as merely his “personal project”.
Perhaps veiled Communist Guy Bertrand was only amusing himself as a “personal project” when he published his Liberty-Nation Project in 2014, the same year the Montreal and Quebec megacities both publicly demanded a devolution of legislative and governmental powers from the Quebec Legislature, along with fiscal resources and new ‘status’ for these megacities as international city-states. In other words, they will become city-states in Professor Tunkin’s Marxist world-state.
There would also be a stage four to the “grand design”: the destruction of all ethnicities by “amalgamation” to eliminate all risk of the principle of “national” sovereignty re-emerging anywhere but in Israel. For national sovereignty has always been associated primarily with the right to self-determination and self-government by ethnic groups.
William Z. Foster, in his book Toward Soviet America, refers to the process of “amalgamation” of all races into one hodge-podge as viewed by the Communists.
Professor Tunkin also refers to “amalgamation”.
The so-called “father” of the European Union, Richard Coudenhove Kalergi, who was a semitophile married to a Jewess and who, to the joy of the Warburg bankers, believed in the superiority of the Jews over all other peoples, envisaged the destruction of all “white” western peoples (i.e., Christian peoples, and their sovereign nations) by a forced influx of third-world populations to produce, in place of cohesive ethnic groups (and thus of national sovereignty), a mongrel assortment of individuals.
The Jews, of course, would be exempt from such amalgamation, i.e., the ethnic disintegration the Jew as their policy for non-Jews are forcing on all other peoples through their Jewish Marxist-Zionist theorists. Clearly, the Masterminds have figured out how to merge the World while preserving their own Jewish ethnicity from amalgamation inside the nuclear-protected borders of Israel.
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